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Our offices:

Cluj-Napoca Head Office

1, Rene Jeannel St, Industrial Park TETAROM I,
Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Monday-Friday: 07:30-16:00
+40 264 42 76 77
E-mail: [email protected]


Sos. Odai 207A
Bucharest 1, Romania
Monday-Friday: 07:30-16:00

Tel.: +40 21 332 76 31
E-mail: [email protected]


Negresteni 9,
Chisinau, Moldova
Monday-Friday: 07:30-16:00

Tel.: +40 729 038 316
E-mail: [email protected]

Contact us:

Total availability in less than 24 h
anywhere in Romania and Moldova.

Contact us for technical support, service for your equipment or consumables.

Company Data

Registered Office: Cluj-Napoca, 1, Rene Jeannel St., Industrial Park TETAROM I
Working Point and Mailing Address Bucureşti: Sos. Odăi 207A, Sector 1, Phone 021/332.76.31, 0264/427.677, Fax: 021/332.76.33
Trade Registry Registration: Cluj Napoca Trade Registry, no J12/767/24.04.2002
VAT Registration Code: RO14600285
Bank Account: IBAN RO14 BTRL 0130 1202 9664 97XX, Banca Transilvania Cluj-Napoca.