- Produse
Camere Curate - Ghiduri de referință
Camere Curate- Spitalul Clinic Colțea,
București - Spitalul Medicover,
București - Spitalul Maternitate,
Buzău - Spitalul Clinic de Urgență Sf. Spiridon,
Iași - Spitalul Republican,
Chișinău - Clinica Ferticult,
Craiova - Spitalul Universitar de Urgență,
București - Spitalul Militar de Urgență “Regina Maria”,
Brașov - Institutul de Boli Infecțioase,
București - Clinica Medicală de Fertilizare In-Vitro GYNATAL,
Timișoara - Institutul pentru Controlul Produselor Biologice și Medicamentelor de Uz Veterinar
- Spitalul Clinic “Prof. Dr. Th. Burghele”,
București - Spitalul Municipal “Dr. Aurel Tulbure”,
- Spitalul Clinic Colțea,
- Ghiduri de Implementare
Camere Curate - Ghiduri de Configurare
Camere Curate
Spitalul Clinic Colțea
Detalii lucrare
Project execution: 20.12.2010 – 31.05.2011
Implemented solution:
Cladding of plasterboard walls with electrostatically painted galvanised steel plates.
Connecting the HVAC system for the clean rooms to the hospital’s BMS system.
Installation and installation of medical gas distribution equipment.
Execution of the installations: air conditioning to ensure the microclimate parameters specific to the clean room premises, sanitary, electrical for strong and weak currents.
Complex microbial filtration system based on ultrafiltration membrane technology ensuring the removal of pathogens from drinking water.
Products / Partners:
PENMECO, Czech Republic – Clean room compartments.
SALDA UAB, Lithuania – Air handling unit.
SAMSUNG, South Korea – Condensing unit.
France Air, France – Air filtration and distribution equipment and elements.
BAUTECH GENERAL CONSTRUCT, Austria – Romania – Construction.
DELTA P S.R.L., Italy – Nassetti brand gas and medical fluid installations – Wall brackets and call assistance installations.
NORIT/Filtrix BV – Ultrapure water filtration system – Line Guard 100.
KARSTULAN METALLI OY, Finland – Vertical laminar flow bacteriological hood – Lamil Plus 13.
X-Lab Solutions innovation:
Cladding existing plasterboard walls with 0.8 mm thick galvanised steel plates in vertical strips 1200 mm wide, electrostatically painted in RAL colours to save space inside.
To provide natural lighting, glazing (window panels) with integrated blinds were integrated into the plasterboard walls in front of the existing windows of the host building.
Professional PVC flooring for the medical environment.
Cleanroom specific test validations, measurements and certifications – according to ISO 14 644 „Cleanrooms and associated controlled environments”.